Kendo seminars in 2019
There are a number of seminars coming up in 2019, some of them before we start back at training, so please be advised.
artist's impression of expected 2019 hatsugeiko at Kenshikan
Hatsugeiko (first training) at Kenshikan, 31 December/1 January
The Kenshikan has established something of a tradition of New Year's training and all VKR members are welcome to attend.
"The dojo will open at 10:30pm and then training will start before a small pause just before midnight to allow the participants to have a celebratory drink to usher in 2019 and then training will continue for about 45 minutes or so. After training has concluded, participants are welcome to remain to have a bite to eat and drinks as per last year….or should I say this year? Therefore people attending this event are encouraged to bring food, drinks, dessert to share with everyone. We hope you can make it!"
Kristine Ventura, MBK Secretary

Fujiwara sensei: 17 to 22 January 2019
Dr Hironobu Fujiwara is an old friend of Melbourne kenshi and he will be back in Melbourne this January for work and some keiko. Although this is not so much a formal seminar, Fujiwara sensei's Kendo is powerful and elegant and I always learn a great deal from just watching him. He also speaks excellent English, as befits someone who undertook post-doctoral research in Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne. He will be in Melbourne from 17 to 22 January 2019. There will be various training sessions organised in that time. most likely at Kenshikan and MUKEN. Details to follow.
Furukawa sensei, Kamei sensei seminar 1-3 February 2019 (UTS, Sydney)
UTS Kendo Club in Sydney will again be hosting a seminar (and competition) on the first weekend in February. Furukawa and Kamei senseis are two of the world's most famous and storied Kendo sensei. Both are Hanshi hachidan and both are only 64 years old. This is an amazing opportunity to learn from the very best. Seminar is $60.00. Registration and payment deadline is 27 Jan. Please email me for more details.
Gwangju Kumdo Assoc seminar: 8-10 February 2019
Daniel Jeong sensei from MUKEN has established a Kendo exchange with his former high school and university in Gwangju, Sth Korea and the University of Melbourne Kendo Club. A number of high level sensei from Gwangju will be visiting Melbourne next year to run a seminar. VKR members are invited to attend.
You can find out more info and also register using this form: click here.

Nittaidai sensei seminar - 23-24 February 2019
The bond between Nittaidai and Melbourne goes back almost 40 years. It is a legacy of the strong friendship between Nagae sensei and Shizawa sensei. Shizawa sensei's successor is Yagisawa sensei and for the second year he will be coming to Melbourne accompanied by Shinzato sensei and Furusawa sensei. Seminar fee is $100 or less for early birds (before 1 Jan). Benalla and Apollo Bay kenshi price is $60. Venue is Monash Uni Clayton Campus. Registrations close 15 Feb. Email me for registration details.
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