Nittaidai 2010 visit to Melbourne

Nippon Taiiku Daigaku (日本体育大学) or Nittaidai for short, is one of Japan's leading univeristy kendo teams. This year, Hakamada sensei , Yagisawa sensei and 31 of Nittaidai's 3rd year students have come to visit Melbourne and Sydney after a three year break. Prior to that, Nittaidai Kendo students had visited Melbourne every year for more than 25 years, thanks to the close connection between the former Professor of Kendo at Nittaidai, Shizawa Kunio sensei , and Melbourne kendoka, including Nagae sensei. This year they are back to do public demonstrations and short training seminars with Australian kendoka. This pic shows how many were at last night's training at Fudoshin dojo in Parkville. As you can imagine it was packed, and we Aussies who are used to plenty of space in our dojo found that a little tricky, but all the more fun for the amount of energy and good feelings it created! b PS - A big congratulations to Brett Smith sensei on the birth of his first son, Remy M...