AKC2023 and start of term 2

This term starts on Sat 29 April and goes for 9 weeks until 28 June. Phew! What a busy start to the year! A beginners' course, a club-based grading, a 3 kyu to 4 dan grading, an Australian Championships, a Kendo seminar and a 1 dan to 5 dan grading! Well done everyone for ensuring that all those events ran smoothly and congrats to those who took part, whether as competitors, volunteers, grading candidates or judges. Hall hire fee increase We will be paying more for dojo hire from this term with the first rate increase since we started at St Pius. We will also be paying for more hours per week (5 hours as opposed to 3.5 hours) to reflect the amount of time we spend in the dojo. We will not be raising our fees however. They remain at $10/training for the first two family members ($5 for FT tertiary students and HC card holders), and free for third and any subsequent members of the same family. But this means that we need to have everyone remembering to pay their dues, ...