
Showing posts from May, 2012

15th Kendo World Championships - on now

Thanks to the wonder of the interwebs, you can watch the World Kendo Championships live, for the first time ever! They are streaming from Novara, Italy over the next three days. Competition has already started and goes until Sunday. You will have to work out time zone difference, so it will mostly be late at night. The other drawback is its just a single webcam. It's a reasonably good quality image, but the camera doesn't move! And there's no commentary, although there's a chat window where other viewers discuss what is going on. Here is the schedule of events and list of who is fighting whom: Here is the link to the streaming video: Enjoy!

This just in: No training next week!

Typical handicrafts of the CWA Just found out that the Diamond Valley Branch of the Country Women's Association are having their annual show next week in our hall. So we have to have a holiday. So no training on Saturday 19th May. We'll be back the week after. As compensation for those who have done the right thing and already paid their term fees, I will make the Kangeiko on 23 June free of charge. Interestingly there is another CWA-Kendo connection, and that is Kyohei san's club in Benalla, the Renshinkan, train in the historic Benalla CWA Hall! And it was good to see Kyohei, Tomoko-san and new Renshinkan student Jay at training today. They left Benalla at 5.00am to get to training! And there was ice on their windscreen when they left!

new shipment arrived!

The new shipment of shinai and dogi have just arrived, thanks to Chee Jin and The dogi look really good. As you can see the kendogi has a sweat-wiking lining. The hakama are cotton and very thick fabric. Both appear to be indigo dyed (if the blueness of my fingers in anything to go by!). The shinai are very thick and made from bamboo with very pronounced nodes. It will be interesting to see how all these things fare in practice. Those people who placed orders can get their items from me at next training.