
Showing posts from July, 2017

Term 3 starts this week

Our first training will be this Wednesday 19th July, followed by our first Saturday morning training on 22nd. Dates and events to keep in mind: Beginners' course starts 12 August -  Ben Fletcher to instruct Victorian Kendo Championships 12 & 13 August - all members to be available either as competitors or volunteers Interhigh Gasshuku 2 & 3 September - NSK training will relocate to Kenshikan for Saturday morning; volunteer helpers needed, please let me know if you can. Kyu grading 3 September - all eligible members to be preparing for their next grading Dan grading 17 September - eligible members to be discussing their readiness with me.

Email problems fixed but VKR website still down

If you have been trying to email Nanseikan through the email address given on this site (nanseikan at kendovictoria dot asn dot au) you may have found your emails bouncing back to you. This was a problem with our webmail server which has now been fixed. Hopefully we'll start getting some beginners enquiries now! On a related note the VKR website is still not working. If you go to you'll go back in time to 2006. Kind of cool but also kind of annoying. The VKR's FB page is a bit more up to date.

Otsuka Taikai 2017

On Saturday 15 July (last Saturday of school holidays), the Otsuka Taikai will be taking place at the Kenshikan. Please see the link below for details. The Otsuka Taikai is for anyone 16 years of age and over, from ungraded to 2 dan.