New Michi Martial Arts website / end of Facebook / subscribe!

Michi Martial Arts is our most local equipment supplier, run by Junko Nomura who is a senior member at Kenshikan. The new website has lots of new products, as well as a proper shopping cart and credit card payment, making it much easier to order. Junko sources all her products through reputable suppliers in Japan, and being a kenshi herself, only chooses the best value and most useful products. No more Facebook I've never been a big fan of Facebook, and since migrating my personal account over to a group page, I've experienced ever more frustrations with its lack of functionality. The Cambridge Analytica scandal has been for me the last straw (and is probably only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the kind of privacy abuses FB is guilty of). So in the spirit of #deletefacebook, I've decided to stop using the platform altogether. I won't actually delete the page, but it will become dormant. It will be a static page advertising our training times and location bu...