Who can teach at Nanseikan?

This post is to clarify who can instruct within our dojo, by dividing members according to experience levels by rank. The levels below are ranked in order from most junior to most senior. If you are a Nanseikan member, please read, understand and observe these roles when in the dojo. Graded and ungraded members (up to 3 kyu) Watch and listen Practice Practice Practice Assistant instructors (2 kyu and above) All of the above points, plus... Able to run warm-ups and suburi when asked and given direction Able to assist beginners and low kyu grades with equipment issues only (no technical instruction) Knowledge of basic terms and commands Instructors (2 dan and above) All of the above points, plus... Able to formally start and end training – give commands to line up, rei, etc. Able to run Beginners’ course Able to devise and run warm-ups, suburi Able to devise and run drills and rotations to include all students at an appropriate level Able to monitor safety and participation of all studen...