MUKEN Taikai 2012 - get ready to enter!

training at MUKEN Melbourne University Kendo Club, aka MUKEN , will be holding their annual competition. It is open to all VKR members. Date : Saturday 26th May 2012 Time : 12pm-5pm Venue : The University of Melbourne The taikai will be the same as last year, with 4 divisions (individuals) involved: Beginners (commenced learning Kendo after 1 Jan 2012 ) Up to 3 rd Kyu 1 & 2 Kyu 1 & 2 Dan Registrations for the event will open at the end of April, along with more information regarding the event. This is a great taikai for newer Kenshi because it pits them against people their own level. There is no other kendo taikai in Melbourne that has a division for beginners.