Term 3 Hajime! Beginners Course Starting 6th August

We welcomed back Nanseikan training last Saturday for the start of Term 3. We had most of the members hoping to get their 6th Kyu hard at work practicing their reiho and suburi while the administration side is hard at work sorting out all the fine details for our first club grading. Let's hope that it all goes smoothly. ファイト! This term is a 10 week term, but we will be heading to Monash 30th Anniversary Taikai on the 30th July so there will be no training at Heidelberg West that day. Our twice-a-year beginners course will be starting on the 6th August at 9am. I just sent out the information pack to everyone signed up and we're looking forward to welcoming you all. If you haven't signed up yet and want to join in, please fill in the form here: https://forms.gle/3Gty3cVRyYAE6R3g7 There is more information about the beginners course on our About page. Lastly, congratulations to Nick for winning the Fighting Spirit award at the Otsuka Memoria...