Excellent Kendo articles from Nittaidai sensei

Here are three articles by the three Nittaidai sensei who recently held some online seminars. These articles are free to access on the Kendo Jidai website. "The Complete Shinai Manipulation Guide" by Yagisawa Makoto 八木沢先生『完全なる竹刀操作』 English : https://kendojidai. com/2021/03/08/the-complete- shinai-manipulation-guide/ 日本語: https://kendojidai.net/ 2021/03/08/the-complete- shinai-manipulation-guide/ "Seme Footwork (Ashi-sabaki)" by Furusawa Nobuaki 古澤先生『足さばき』 English : https://kendojidai.com/2020/ 10/12/seme-ashi/ 日本語: https://kendojidai.net/ 2020/10/12/seme-ashi/ Kendo Article by Shinzato Chikano 新里先生『剣道研究室』 English : https://kendojidai.com/2021/ 02/01/shinzato-chikano/ 日本語: https://kendojidai.net/ 2021/02/01/shinzato-chikano/