MUKEN Taikai 2018

This competition is open to all VKR members who meet entry crtieria:

It will be held in the West Stadium of the Melbourne Uni Sports Centre.

The format of the competition is a mixed individual knock-out, with the top two winners of each division progressing to the next division. There will be five divisions:

Beginners (For members who began their kendo training in 2017 with no prior experience)
Junior Kyu (6th Kyu – 3rd Kyu)
Senior Kyu (2nd Kyu - 1st Kyu)
Junior Dan (1st Dan - 2nd Dan)
Senior Dan (3rd Dan - 4th Dan)
*Subject to change

Opening ceremony will open at 11:45pm on the day. However, this is subject to change. More details to be sent out later.
There will be a $15 entry fee for each competitor. Please fill in the registration form (spreadsheet) with all the competitors name from your club and make the payment to the club's (muken's)bank account BY Friday 16th May. 


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