Next week training at Tora Dojo - Kangeiko
Wesley College, 577 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne
Next 24th June will be our last training for term two. We will recommence training on the 22nd July.
In place of our usual all-day kangeiko, for our final training of term 2 we will be doing something new: 出稽古 degeiko.
We will train at Nanseikan in the morning as usual. Then we will be travelling to Tora Dojo to join in their training from 2pm to 4pm. They train at Wesley College, in the gymnasium (see pin in the map above). Cho sensei tells me that you can park inside the college for free with no problems. Enter from Punt Rd. People who use club armour will need to take it with them and return it next term.
In terms of lunch, I suggest that we should keep it light, given that we will be training again soon after. People can either make their own arrangements and we'll see you at the gymnasium at 1.45pm. Or if you want to be social you can meet us at the College Lawn Hotel in Greville street, (just because pubs are better for potentially big groups). It's only 400m away from Wesley College.
Please let me know in the comments below if you a) need a lift, b) can offer a lift, and c) if you want to meet at the College Lawn. I'll be taking my car which can fit four people.

Cho sensei
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