2010 Kangeiko 寒稽古

This year’s special winter training will take place on the first Monday of the school holidays, Monday 28 June
Cost: $20 for the day, open to all VKR members, especially junior members of other VKR clubs
Schedule: 0830 – arrival, registration, clean dojo
0900 – kangeiko start and first session
1100 – morning tea (provided)
1130 – second session
1330 – lunch (please note, lunch will again be BYO this year)
1430 – third session
1700 – finish
The gasshuku will cover kihon, kata and shiai.
This year I would like to also invite everyone to stay for dinner afterwards. Dinner would be held in the room adjacent to the dojo and would be from 1830 – 2030 approx. For this I would need an indication of possible numbers and also dietary requirements if any. Family and friends of people attending would also be welcome.
Cost of dinner is to be advised depending on numbers. Most likely $10-15 per person
Applications for Kangeiko close Friday 25 June. Payment due on the day.
RSVP for dinner by Friday 25 June. Payment due on the day.
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